
How to Promote an Online Course You Created

Congratulations! You are now a virtual trainer. You are now part of a wonderful community of intelligent, innovative and dedicated individuals who are devoted to promoting high-quality online training. You have devoted much time, energy and effort into your course and as trainers ourselves, we appreciate it. In an effort to make sure you get the best ROI when it comes to your new course, we have some best practices for promoting your course and your expertise.

Police Training and Anti-Semitism

Your police training will include the topic of hate crimes, including those motivated by anti-Semitism (a term that refers to prejudice against members of the Jewish faith). Anti-Semitic acts violate a 1968 federal statute against hate crimes that made it illegal to "by force or by threat of force, injure, intimidate, or interfere with anyone…by reason of their race, color, religion, or national origin."

Tips for Success in Police Academy Training

A recent study showed that 14% of recruits do not complete their police academy training. They have to abandon their dreams of a law enforcement career. Resolve not to be one of them—and follow up by using some practical tips to get ready.

Policing Policies and Freedom of Speech

Most Americans know that the First Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees us freedom of speech. But there is widespread confusion about what “freedom of speech” means. Police officers need a clear understanding of what rights are protected and what those protections mean.