Communications Training Officers (CTO) play a pivotal role in developing the skills and confidence of new and experienced Public Safety Telecommunicators. This training will explore three key teaching styles—Directing, Discussing, and Delegating—and how to apply them effectively to meet the diverse needs of trainees.
This session will address one of the most common issues facing communications centers around the country today. The largest workforce in America today is made up of “Baby Boomers”, by 2029 most of them will have reached retirement age, leaving behind a wide range of experiences and knowledge. The only way to successfully work through a multi-generational workforce is to acknowledge there is an issue. Whether it’s new training methods or changing leadership styles, or even harvesting the experiences of tenured employees, we will begin the conversation and offer some ideas to successfully navigate these changing times.
This rollcall training discusses some of the coping strategies in the law enforcement profession that are unhealthy for officers. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Physical and Mental Wellness Coping Strategies.
This rollcall training talks about ways you can improve your communication with family and friends. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Interpersonal Communication with Family and Friends.
In this course, Dr. Mike Pittaro discusses stress, work-life balance, and negative coping strategies and how officers can break those negative cycles. He will explain the negative effects of cortisol and techniques to reduce stress and increase both physical and mental wellness.
This rollcall training reviews this method to help you listen for the content of what a person is saying in a potential life and death situation. For more detailed training on this topic, please contact your Virtual Academy representative about the in-depth specialized course Foundations of Emergency Mental Health Dispatching.
This course covers bullying behavior in the PSAP and how to maintain positive interpersonal communications among team members. Students will discuss topics such as how to identify bullying behavior, how to combat bullying behavior, and strategies to establish positive interpersonal communications in t the 9-1-1 center.
Discuss how to correctly give instructions on how to complete the Walk and Turn Field Sobriety Test. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Field Sobriety Refresher.
Discuss the components of strategic active listening and how this technique can be used with suicidal callers. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Building 9-1-1 LifeBridges to Suicide Callers.
The goal of internal affairs investigations is always to investigate with integrity, go where the evidence leads, and always seek the “truth of the matter.” We owe this to the men and women in law enforcement and to the public that we serve. In this course, Jerry Rodriguez covers what administrators need to know including how complaints should be investigated and by who, best practices for maintaining investigative integrity, and investigative techniques and protocols.
The purpose of this course is to explain de-escalation, distinguish between types of calls involving persons in crisis, and respond to the call in a manner that affords the best chance for a desirable outcome.
Learn how you can de-escalate a person with autism if they are in a meltdown stage.
Discuss the steps and importance of a Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
Discuss the security vulnerabilities of administrative offices in a place of worship
Discuss what strategies can be utilized for both communicating and active listening
How to use the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, & Threat Analysis in your strategic planning process
Define professionalism, the criteria of professionalism, and how to handle difficult situations as it relates to law enforcement
This course will discuss the best practices for investigating child abuse cases, including appropriate procedures and considerations, interviewing of parents and children, and special investigative issues.