In this course, Lea Harms will explore the evolving landscape of 9-1-1, emphasizing the increasing importance of data from diverse sources like mobile devices, medical profiles, and connected vehicles. The course will cover how to educate the public on sharing this vital data, empowering communities to play an active role in emergency response and ultimately saving lives.
This session emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior as a public official. Participants will explore principles like honesty, integrity, and confidentiality, which are crucial to dispatching operations. They'll learn a decision-making framework for handling ethical dilemmas and review real-life case studies. The session also addresses misconceptions about ethics, the lines you should never cross, and strategies for maintaining public trust and keeping you out of the hot seat.
Public speaking is a powerful tool for career advancement. When you speak confidently in front of others, it demonstrates leadership, communication skills, and the ability to influence and inspire. These qualities are essential for taking on more significant roles within an organization. Effective public speaking helps build credibility, expand a professional network, and make a lasting impression on key stakeholders. This course will focus on high level examples and exercises to help with leading meetings, pitching ideas, or representing your company at events. The ability to articulate your thoughts clearly and persuasively can open doors to promotions, new opportunities, and greater recognition in your field.
In this course the student will learn what MLTS is as well as best practices for handling MLTS calls. We will also discuss why MLTS Compliance is important in addition to the story behind Kari’s Law and Ray BAUM’s Act.
The only interaction many civilians have with law enforcement is through the media they consume. For this reason, it is vital that officers to learn how to be a positive and effective communicator with the media because if the media does not get a story from the agency, they will make their own story. In this course, Renee Yax will discuss the media’s role in incidents officers are responding to, the different types of responses to the media, and what basics to give on scene, if any, to the media.
In this course, Jodi Springer will be discussing her experience in creating a public education program. She will discuss how to create content and materials to help train the citizens you serve and how to develop a better relationship between your agency, your responders, and the citizens you all serve
A strong relationship with the community is vital to effective policing. Chief Orrick discusses ways to strengthen your agencies bond with your community. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Maneuvering Successfully in the Political Environment.
Review steps to be taken in planning law enforcement response prior to the actual event.
Discuss the importance of your department policy and permit process aligning with what the Supreme Court requires for public assemblies.
Review Supreme Court cases that have led to how Law Enforcement must look at Time, Place, and Manner when dealing with Public Assemblies.
Discuss why it is important for law enforcement to know what is allowed and protected during public assemblies.
Review what technologies are available to a 911 Center to disseminate emergency or time sensitive information.
This course focuses on First Amendment rights, proper response to peaceful public assembly, and effective two-way interaction reflecting the community the officer serves.
As public servants in law enforcement, fire service, and government agencies, you have devoted your career to benefiting citizens and society. This course provides a road map of how to utilize and shape the competencies you have acquired in your public service career and reinvent who you are into who you will be in your next private industry career.
This course features fundamental leadership concepts designed to enhance the overall knowledge, skill, and ability of line function employees from public safety, government sector, and private sector organizations who are preparing for future leadership roles within the organization.