Whether you are a frontline communicator, CTO, supervisor, command staff, or beyond, your ability to provide effective feedback is crucial to organizational development, but who teaches you how to provide effective feedback? This course is a deep dive into what is feedback, when to provide it, and how to provide it effectively to produce organizational change.
Integrating "Tapping for 911" professionals will be introduced with an accessible handout on this highly effective tool for reducing stress and increasing productivity in the public safety environment. Based on the concept of acupuncture, attendees will be taught how to access their nervous system whether sitting at a console, in the office or riding in a squad car.
This course will go through the basics of GIS to prepare attendees for a more thorough understanding of their “map.” Using the basic knowledge, the course will then speak to specific opportunities within their operation to collaborate with GIS personnel and public safety personnel to help enhance the data as well as enhance the information being provided to public safety personnel in the field.
Effective communication is foundational to pretty much everything else, especially for people in leadership positions. Communication is something we have to do on a daily basis and getting better at it improves what we are able to accomplish, not just individually, but also as a team. In this course, Dr. Davis will discuss the importance of effective communication in leadership, barriers to communication, and the importance of building relationships through communication.
It is vital for telecommunicators to have a basic understanding of how radio communications work and the limitations and pitfalls they can encounter while using the system because radio communications is a lifeline between the telecommunicator and those in the field. In this course, Jamie Taylor will discuss radio technology and equipment, radio discipline, common pitfalls in radio communication, and the rules set out by the FCC.
A lack of trust between a community and a law enforcement agency can prevent collaboration and relationship building. To be good at community engagement and community policing, you have to put in the work every single day to build trust with your community. In this course, Jill Lees will discuss the key components of community policing, how to use the SARA model to analyze what your community needs, and how to recognize and take opportunities to engage with your community and build trust.
This rollcall training defines what critical listening is and how it is vital to telecommunicators. For more detailed training on this topic, see course “Active Listening Skills”.
This rollcall training defines what empathic listening is and how it is vital to telecommunicators. For more detailed training on this topic, see course “Active Listening Skills”.
This rollcall training defines what active listening is and how it is vital to telecommunicators. For more detailed training on this topic, see course “Active Listening Skills”
This rollcall training discusses best practices for communications during a wildfire event. For more instruction on this topic, see course Dispatching Wildfires: Risks with Climate Change.
This rollcall training discusses some of the challenges with communications that mid and high-rise fires may present. For more instruction on this topic, see course Fire Dispatching for High-Rise Buildings.
This rollcall training talks about ways you can improve your communication with family and friends. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Interpersonal Communication with Family and Friends.
This training covers the three key factors of communication and why they are so crucial to effective communication. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Applying Emotional Intelligence to Better Communication.
This training discusses some of the barriers you may encounter in communicating with others and how to overcome them. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Applying Emotional Intelligence to Better Communication.
This training discusses the importance of addressing performance issues with both experienced and new telecommunicators and how to best have those conversations. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Difficult Conversations.
This rollcall training covers the four stages of the communication cycle and why each one is so important. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Building Trust on Both Sides of the Console.
Interpersonal communication skills are vital for policing; however, little emphasis is put on how those skills can be used to improve communication with family and friends. In this course, Dr. Mike Pittaro will address the issue of work-family conflict and the added stress of ineffective communication with family and friends. He will discuss how interpersonal communication can improve your relationships and outline techniques that can be used to reduce stress and improve relationships.
Emotional intelligence is vital for building trust and connections, which leads to effective and clear communication. In this course, Carl Smith will explain how to use emotional intelligence to better communicate and engage with people to achieve mutual respect and understanding. He will cover the emotional intelligence model, communication factors, and assertive communication.
In this course, Jennifer Schwendimann will explain what a quality assurance and quality improvement program is, why it is important, and how to begin a QA/QI program.
This rollcall training discusses different ways you can communicate with someone who is deaf. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Deaf and Hard of Hearing Awareness for First Responders
This is a refresher course of the T-CPR course that focuses on the importance of implementing a T-CPR protocol in the PSAP, how to recognize the symptoms of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, and how to overcome barriers on OHCA calls. This course provides a sample Telecommunicator CPR protocol based on the CPR LifeLinks initiative created by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
This rollcall training reviews this method to help you listen for the content of what a person is saying in a potential life and death situation. For more detailed training on this topic, please contact your Virtual Academy representative about the in-depth specialized course Foundations of Emergency Mental Health Dispatching.
This rollcall training discusses some of the traits to help you recognize callers that may have Borderline Personality Disorder. For more detailed training on this topic, please contact your Virtual Academy representative about the in-depth specialized course Foundations of Emergency Mental Health Dispatching.
This rollcall training discusses ways for 9-1-1 personnel to communicate more effectively among their coworkers. For more instruction on this topic, see course Interpersonal Communication Strategies for PSAPs.
This rollcall training discusses the consequences of unhealthy communication among coworkers in the PSAP. For more instruction on this topic, see course Interpersonal Communication Strategies for PSAPs.
This course covers bullying behavior in the PSAP and how to maintain positive interpersonal communications among team members. Students will discuss topics such as how to identify bullying behavior, how to combat bullying behavior, and strategies to establish positive interpersonal communications in t the 9-1-1 center.
This rollcall training reviews how PTSD can take different forms in telecommunicators and discusses the signs and symptoms to help you recognize if you may be suffering from PTSD. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Utilizing Peer Support to Improve PSAPs.
This course will examine the national and state efforts in developing and implementing protection strategies relating to children and seniors. The AMBER Alert and Silver Alert initiatives will be examined with particular attention given to best practices for telecommunicators to follow.
This course provides telecommunicators with a pragmatic understanding, reflection, and discussion of ethical issues and dilemmas in the workplace. Participants will engage in exercises to further determine their own ethics and how to effectively apply them within their organization.
This rollcall training discusses different types of community outreaches that not only improve police community relationships but can also help us recognize some of our biases. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Implicit Bias: Recognition, Reduction, and Prevention.
This rollcall discusses what steps to take once you recognize you have a problem and division between the police and the community. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Implicit Bias: Recognition, Reduction, and Prevention.
This rollcall training discusses some of the basics necessary to build healthy relationships in your community. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Implicit Bias: Recognition, Reduction, and Prevention.
This training helps telecommunicators understand the magnitude of human trafficking by citing alarming numbers of victims in the United States. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Human Trafficking for Telecommunications.
Working in a 911 Center can be stressful and traumatic. This presentation discusses a few things to look for in your life that may indicate you are suffering from PTSD. This training is taken from specialized course Survive and Thrive: Core Stress Resilience presented by the 9-1-1 Training Institute.
Chiefs and senior ranking officers need to have an open channel of communication with their elected officials. Chief Orrick suggests ways to maintain the relationship with your local elected leaders. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Maneuvering Successfully in the PoliticalEnvironment.
Discuss the reasons it is important to build relationships in your community, and how it can have a positive impact on your department. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Leading Without Rank: A Primer.
Explain the technique of wondering compassionately, which can prevent inaccurate assumptions. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Building 9-1-1 LifeBridges to Suicide Callers.
Discuss statistics of suicide in the United States and how the telecommunicator can use this information to recognize the signs of suicidal callers. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Building 9-1-1 LifeBridges to Suicide Callers.
Discuss the importance of a hiring plan, application process, and determining who is best suited to be a telecommunicator.
In this video, Chief Christol takes questions from the audience regarding how to best communicate as an Emergency Communications Specialist. For more detailed information on this topic, view the Effective Communication for Telecommunicators course.
This video highlights why listening can be as important as asking questions on a 9-1-1 call. For more detailed instruction on this topic, view the Effective Communication for Telecommunicators course.
This video highlights the three ingredients of communication: actual words, what we and they hear, and what we or they see. For more detailed instruction on this topic, view the Effective Communication for Telecommunicators course.
Discuss which calls to evaluate and the benefits of a good call evaluation program.
Explains the purpose of a Quality Improvement Program and defines the elements of a good QI program.
A continuation of Part 1, this video expounds on the need for professionalism in your voice tone, inflection, and demeanor
Discuss why your tone of voice is so important in calming callers and obtaining vital information
This video talks about who the customer is, and how good customer service benefits a communications center.
Part 2 of discussing the information a call taker should obtain and discuss NENA Standards for 911 call processing.
Discuss the information a call taker should obtain and discuss NENA Standards for 911 call processing.
Learn the importance of building relationships within your community, and how these relationships can benefit you during times of demonstration or unrest.
Discuss why it is important for law enforcement to know what is allowed and protected during public assemblies.
This video will assist you in learning each aspect of the Communication Cycle, understanding the value of non-verbal communications, and help hone your listening skills.
Discuss the importance of getting enough sleep and suggestions on how to help you sleep while dealing with job stress and shift work.
This course focuses on First Amendment rights, proper response to peaceful public assembly, and effective two-way interaction reflecting the community the officer serves.
This course reviews the changes in Tennessee code annotated over the past legislative year. Additionally, this course will provide an introduction to a Community Immersion program, a piece of the new training initiatives proposed by Gov. Bill Lee.
Discuss the steps in communicating infant CPR appropriately as a telecommunicator.
Human trafficking is a growing problem throughout the world. This presentation focuses on what human trafficking is and provides information for 9-1-1 telecommunicators on how to recognize a possible victim or witness in a human trafficking call for service.
Designed primarily for new telecommunicators, this course will review some of the common call classifications for law, fire, and EMS. This segment will also identify three common call classifications that are often confused by new telecommunicators.
Examine the role that community correction plays for you as a police officer
Discuss how to most effectively utilize electronic and social media in today’s age of policing
Discuss the different styles of interpersonal communication within your organization
Discuss what strategies can be utilized for both communicating and active listening
Describe the steps involved in decision making and communication of those decisions
Define professionalism, the criteria of professionalism, and how to handle difficult situations as it relates to law enforcement
Integrate the five universal truths into 9-1-1 calls, and discuss ways to handle difficult calls, including calls that are verbally abusive.
Discuss interpersonal communication and its skill set, performance improvement plans (PIP), and handling difficult conversations with employees.
Discuss ways to exchange information when a language barrier exists
Discuss different ways to handle calls involving autism.
Every year in the U.S., there are an estimated 250,000 cases of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The average survival rate is 10%. This course provides a sample Telecommunicator CPR protocol based on the CPR LifeLinks initiative created by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This course explains the importance of implementing a T-CPR protocol in the PSAP, teaches the telecommunicator how to recognize the symptoms of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, provides a sample protocol of T-CPR instructions, and explains how to overcome barriers on OHCA calls.
From the first line to senior staff, law enforcement officers use communication skills to direct, inform, and persuade others to behave in a certain manner. These techniques help to keep our citizens safe so we can complete our overall mission to “serve and protect.” Understanding how we communicate with others while considering emotions, experiences, and levels of understanding allows us to confer clearer messages and engage in more effective use of our words, actions, and emotions.
From the first line to senior staff, law enforcement officers use communication skills to direct, inform, and persuade others to behave in a certain manner. These techniques help to keep our citizens safe so we can complete our overall mission to "serve and protect." Understanding how we communicate with others while considering emotions, experiences, and levels of understanding allows us to confer clearer messages and engage in more effective use of our words, actions, and emotions.
Telecommunicators within the 9-1-1 industry endure severe and repetitive stressors throughout their careers. This course highlights what body systems are affected by stress, how those systems respond to and recover from stress, and how the telecommunicator can effectively manage stress for a more productive life.
A front-line supervisor in the PSAP is quite possibly the hardest yet most powerful position in the agency. This course will review a few of the biggest obstacles supervisors encounter and give best practices techniques to handle them. The discussion will cover the basic skills, knowledge, and abilities needed in supervision; various leadership methods; conflict resolution; counseling & disciplinary; proper documentation; and knowing your overall mission.
Interpersonal communication skills are essential for developing working and personal relationships. This course will explore the various skills involved with interpersonal communication. It will introduce you to why these skills are beneficial, how they are used, and when to use them. We will also cover the importance of handling confrontation properly, identifying triggers that could cause you to lose your temper, and how to manage difficult relationships.
Intimidated by HR? You don’t have to be! This course explains the laws pertaining to FMLA, ADA, and hiring in basic terms. Real-world examples will clarify their purpose, and we will further separate myth from fact by examining what they mean for daily operations in the PSAP. Attendees will walk away with an understanding of the most common HR issues and resources to help learn more.
Most supervisors view counseling and discipline as the most undesirable part of their job. However, they serve a vital purpose, and when done correctly and consistently, counseling and discipline can foster a productive and cohesive work environment. This course provides methods for conducting counseling and explains the concept of progressive discipline as well as the benefits of doing it effectively.
This course will explore national standards for call answering and call screening for 9-1-1 call centers.
This course will provide an understanding of the impact and challenges of an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) emergency on telecommunicators, responders, and family members and how to incorporate those challenges into skills needed to gather information when processing these calls for service.
Tactical communication training will provide you with career-building, career-changing, and even career-saving conflict prevention and conflict resolution communication tactics. You will learn how to be a tactical communicator and keep yourself safe while reducing stress when dealing with citizens, fellow professionals, and people in your personal life.
In May 2015, the United States Department of Justice released the comprehensive findings of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. That report summarized six primary findings related to nearly every facet of criminal justice, including training and education. This course satisfies multiple areas covered in the task force report and consists of two primary modules designed to expand participant knowledge in the areas of implicit bias, cultural diversity, mental illness, emotional intelligence, effective de-escalation strategies, and community policing.
This course examines intrinsic bias, specifically how bias influences our lives, how to develop strategies to be aware of our hidden bias, and a framework for us to apply in not only our professional but personal lives to identify when negative bias may be providing influence. We will look at what intrinsic bias is (both the positive and negative side of it), how it influences the decision-making process, and how EQ (specifically empathy) helps us identify our bias and gain an understanding of those we work with and serve.