This rollcall training covers three main points of an effective trainer. For more detailed training on this topic, see course The 911 Training Blueprint.
This rollcall training reviews the three main styles of learners, which is vital to help CTO’s better train employees. For more detailed training on this topic, see course The 911 Training Blueprint.
This rollcall training covers some of the ways that changes in technology are benefiting call centers. For more detailed training on this topic, see course “Next Generation 9-1-1 Basics”
This rollcall training discusses why changes in technology has led to the need for NextGen 9-1-1. For more detailed training on this topic, see course “Next Generation 9-1-1 Basics”.
This rollcall training discusses why many telecommunicators fear Next Generation 9-1-1. For more detailed training on this topic, see course “Next Generation 9-1-1 Basics”.
This rollcall training defines what critical listening is and how it is vital to telecommunicators. For more detailed training on this topic, see course “Active Listening Skills”.
This rollcall training defines what empathic listening is and how it is vital to telecommunicators. For more detailed training on this topic, see course “Active Listening Skills”.
This rollcall training defines what active listening is and how it is vital to telecommunicators. For more detailed training on this topic, see course “Active Listening Skills”
This rollcall training discusses some of the things followers need from their leaders to make them better employees. For more detailed training on this topic, see course “Followership".
This rollcall training discusses the different followership styles to help you identify which style you are. For more detailed training on this topic, see course “Followership”.
This rollcall training discusses some ways you can support your leaders to help your team succeed. For more detailed training on this topic, see course “Followership”.
This rollcall training discusses the importance of “failing forward” (recovering from your mistakes). For more detailed training on this topic, see course Training for Success.
This rollcall training discusses why it is imperative to make training engaging and something employees want to attend. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Training for Success.
This rollcall training talks about the importance of being willing to try new things when it comes to training. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Training for Success.
This rollcall training discusses why you should want to build a legacy and how you can make a difference every day. For more detailed training on this topic, see course The Power of Appreciation: Motivating Employees.
This rollcall training talks about why and how it is so important to show employees appreciation. For more detailed training on this topic, see course The Power of Appreciation: Motivating Employees.
This rollcall training discusses the importance of providing mentors to new employees to help them learn and succeed. For more detailed training on this topic, see course The Power of Appreciation: Motivating Employees.
This rollcall training discusses best practices for communications during a wildfire event. For more instruction on this topic, see course Dispatching Wildfires: Risks with Climate Change.
This rollcall training discusses the causes of wildfires and how most are human caused. For more instruction on this topic, see course Dispatching Wildfires: Risks with Climate Change.
This rollcall training details how climate change has required the BLM to employ year-round firefighters instead of only seasonal. For more instruction on this topic, see course Dispatching Wildfires: Risks with Climate Change.
This rollcall training covers how responding fire units set up a staging area at the scene of a high-rise fire. For more instruction on this topic, see course Fire Dispatching for High-Rise Buildings.
This rollcall training discusses the responsibilities of Rapid Ascent Teams (RATs) at high rise fires. For more instruction on this topic, see course Fire Dispatching for High-Rise Buildings.
This rollcall training discusses some of the challenges with communications that mid and high-rise fires may present. For more instruction on this topic, see course Fire Dispatching for High-Rise Buildings.
This rollcall training discusses the Orlando Pulse Nightclub mass shooting and how it led to standards for Fire and EMS response to active shootings. For more instruction on this topic, see course Active Threat Calls and the Fire Dispatcher.
This rollcall training discusses the acronym ASHER, what it is, and why it came about. For more instruction on this topic, see course Active Threat Calls and the Fire Dispatcher.
This rollcall training reviews statistics on active shooters and the alarming increase of such events in recent years. For more instruction on this topic, see course Active Threat Calls and the Fire Dispatcher.
This training discusses five items to assist you in cultivating diversity intelligence. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Diversity Intelligence in 9-1-1.
This training discusses the importance of being conscious of your biases and how to best deal with those biases. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Diversity Intelligence in 9-1-1.
This roll call training defines what diversity is and why it is such a complex topic. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Diversity Intelligence in 9-1-1.
This rollcall training discusses some of the ways you can encourage and motivate your staff to complete training. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Creating Effective Training Programs: A Discussion.
This rollcall training discusses how online training can reduce your expenses and complement a diversified training program. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Creating Effective Training Programs: A Discussion.
This rollcall training discusses how to create a training program with limited resources. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Creating Effective Training Programs: A Discussion.
This rollcall training discusses the challenges of dealing with both very young and very old callers and victims in EMD calls. For more detailed training on this topic, see course EMD: Back to Basics.
This rollcall training covers the four components of negligence in EMD. For more detailed training on this topic, see course EMD: Back to Basics.
This rollcall training lists some of the basic responsibilities you have as an EMD. For more detailed training on this topic, see course EMD: Back to Basics.
This training covers the three key factors of communication and why they are so crucial to effective communication. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Applying Emotional Intelligence to Better Communication.
This training discusses some of the barriers you may encounter in communicating with others and how to overcome them. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Applying Emotional Intelligence to Better Communication.
This training defines the five key elements of emotional Intelligence. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Applying Emotional Intelligence to Better Communication.
This training talks about some of the ways employees may react when you have a difficult conversation with them and how you can respond to their reactions. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Difficult Conversations.
This rollcall training talks about the best ways to have difficult conversations and why you should be aware of your body language and other physical actions that may have a negative effect on your conversation. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Difficult Conversations.
This training discusses the importance of addressing performance issues with both experienced and new telecommunicators and how to best have those conversations. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Difficult Conversations.
This rollcall training discusses some of the benefits of a good quality assurance & quality improvement program in your comm center. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Quality Assurance: Improving Quality in the Communication Center
This rollcall training talks about the importance of a QA program and how it can also help reduce liability for your agency. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Quality Assurance: Improving Quality in the Communication Center.
This rollcall training discusses the elements of quality assurance and quality improvement in a telecommunications center. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Quality Assurance: Improving Quality in the Communication Center.
This rollcall training discusses the main differences between task-oriented and people-oriented individuals and how to better understand each one. For more detailed training on this topic, see course DISC Assessment: Building Connections.
This rollcall training talks about the different traits of outgoing and reserved personalities and how that changes the way you communicate and understand them. For more detailed training on this topic, see course DISC Assessment: Building Connections.
This rollcall training discusses the four major personality traits found in the DISC Assessment. For more detailed training on this topic, see course DISC Assessment: Building Connections.
This rollcall training discusses some ways to build trust with those you dispatch to calls. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Building Trust on Both Sides of the Console.
This rollcall training covers the four stages of the communication cycle and why each one is so important. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Building Trust on Both Sides of the Console.
This short rollcall training discusses the importance of considering different perspectives when dealing with your field responders. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Building Trust on Both Sides of the Console.
This rollcall training talks about how change is constant and how to better cope with it. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Who Moved My Headset?
This rollcall training discusses the importance of using change for the better instead of fighting it. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Who Moved My Headset?
This rollcall training discusses events that cause major changes in 911 telecommunications. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Who Moved My Headset?
This rollcall training discusses different things a call-taker may hear that identifies that the caller could have special needs. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Understanding People with Autism for 9-1-1.
This rollcall training discusses the best ways to communicate with a caller who has a speech impairment. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Understanding People with Autism for 9-1-1.
This rollcall training discusses some red flags that you can inform officers of when dispatching to a call involving someone who may have autism. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Understanding People with Autism for 9-1-1.
This rollcall training discusses how two out of five individuals with autism also have seizures, and covers how stimming and seizures may be mistaken. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Understanding People with Autism for 9-1-1.
Because autism does not have physical appearance characteristics associated with it, it may be more difficult to recognize upon first contact. This rollcall discusses some ways to identify someone who may be on the spectrum.
This rollcall training covers some key facts about autism that you need to know as a telecommunicator. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Understanding People with Autism for 9-1-1.
This rollcall training discusses the importance of being proud of what you do, who you are, and the difference you make. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Leading into the Future.
This rollcall training talks about the reasons that appreciating your personnel is important for a healthy workplace. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Leading into the Future.
This rollcall training discusses what it will take to be a successful leader in the future. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Leading into the Future.
This rollcall training reviews this method to help you listen for the content of what a person is saying in a potential life and death situation. For more detailed training on this topic, please contact your Virtual Academy representative about the in-depth specialized course Foundations of Emergency Mental Health Dispatching.
This rollcall training discusses some of the traits to help you recognize callers that may have Borderline Personality Disorder. For more detailed training on this topic, please contact your Virtual Academy representative about the in-depth specialized course Foundations of Emergency Mental Health Dispatching.
This rollcall training discusses a model for 911 professionals to deliver the best emergency response to people in a mental health crisis. For more detailed training on this topic, please contact your Virtual Academy representative about the in-depth specialized course Foundations of Emergency Mental Health Dispatching.
This training video discusses the different types of technical rescues you may encounter and the importance of knowing what resources you may have to call upon. For more instruction on this topic, see course Modern Fire Dispatch.
This training discusses what Project Mayday is and the 16 phrases from the study to help you anticipate a possible mayday. For more instruction on this topic, see course Modern Fire Dispatch.
This brief rollcall discusses what a fire scene rehab is and what information you need to know when requesting “canteen." For more instruction on this topic, see course Modern Fire Dispatch.
This rollcall training discusses what a “size-up” is and covers some of the factors involved. For more instruction on this topic, see course Modern Fire Dispatch.
This training discusses what a fire dispatchers’ responsibilities are and the importance of developing a “second ear." For more instruction on this topic, see course Modern Fire Dispatch.
Modern fire dispatch requires a tactical mindset. This rollcall training discusses what that means to you as a 9-1-1 professional. For more instruction on this topic, see course Modern Fire Dispatch.
This rollcall training discusses how humor and laughter can be restorative and healthy in the PSAP (when appropriate). For more instruction on this topic, see course 9-1-1 Cape Building.
This rollcall training talks about why sleep is so vital to not only your job performance but also to your overall physical and mental health. For more instruction on this topic, see course 9-1-1 Cape Building.
This rollcall training discusses how you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. For more instruction on this topic, see course 9-1-1 Cape Building.
This rollcall training discusses ways for 9-1-1 personnel to communicate more effectively among their coworkers. For more instruction on this topic, see course Interpersonal Communication Strategies for PSAPs.
This rollcall training discusses the consequences of unhealthy communication among coworkers in the PSAP. For more instruction on this topic, see course Interpersonal Communication Strategies for PSAPs.
This rollcall training defines what constitutes bullying behavior from coworkers in the PSAP. For more instruction on this topic, see course Interpersonal Communication Strategies for PSAPs.
This rollcall training discusses how to recognize when a co-worker may be thinking about how they would be better off if they were no longer here. For more instruction on this topic, see specialized course The Power of Peer Support.
This rollcall training reviews why those in the 9-1-1 profession may be hesitant to ask for help when they are struggling. For more instruction on this topic, see specialized course The Power of Peer Support.
This rollcall training discusses exactly what peer support is and its importance in the 9-1-1 community. For more instruction on this topic, see specialized course The Power of Peer Support.
This rollcall training reviews how PTSD can take different forms in telecommunicators and discusses the signs and symptoms to help you recognize if you may be suffering from PTSD. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Utilizing Peer Support to Improve PSAPs.
This rollcall training covers the types of Peer Support Teams that are beneficial in a PSAP. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Utilizing Peer Support to Improve PSAPs.
This rollcall training discusses exactly what peer support in the PSAP is and why it is important for a healthy employee and workplace. For more detailed training on this topic, see course Utilizing Peer Support to Improve PSAPs.
This brief roll call training discusses methods for recruiting the best people for your PSAP.
This brief roll call training discusses the importance of the supervisor’s connection with their team in the PSAP.
This brief roll call training discusses the different expectations of police officers and dispatchers about the nature of radio traffic.
This brief roll call training discusses methods of establishing a culture of teamwork and family in the PSAP.
This brief roll call training discusses PSAP teamwork in times of crisis by using the 2020 Nashville bombing as an example.
This brief roll call training covers how to establish a positive culture of persistence in the PSAP.
This roll call training covers how to properly handle calls involving structure fires. Your timely instruction to callers can save lives and assist responding fire units. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Call Classification for Telecommunicators.
This roll call training reviews proper instruction to give callers when someone has fainted, fallen, and suffered traumatic injuries. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Call Classification for Telecommunicators.
This roll call training reviews handling 911 calls for people who may be experiencing stroke or heart attack symptoms. Recognition of these emergencies can assist you in instructing callers and first responders on proper care needed. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Call Classification for Telecommunicators.
This training reviews protocols for speaking with witnesses who call 911 regarding possible human trafficking. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Human Trafficking for Telecommunications.
This training discusses how you can obtain vital information from a victim while keeping them safe during the call. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Human Trafficking for Telecommunications.
This training helps telecommunicators understand the magnitude of human trafficking by citing alarming numbers of victims in the United States. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Human Trafficking for Telecommunications.
Working in a 911 Center can be stressful and traumatic. This presentation discusses a few things to look for in your life that may indicate you are suffering from PTSD. This training is taken from specialized course Survive and Thrive: Core Stress Resilience presented by the 9-1-1 Training Institute.
This video discusses what traumatic events are and how they can affect you as a telecommunicator. This training is taken from specialized course Survive and Thrive: Core Stress Resilience presented by the 9-1-1 Training Institute.
This roll call discusses some of the unique stressors in the 911 profession using the analogy of why zebras don’t get ulcers. This training is taken from specialized course Survive and Thrive: Core Stress Resilience presented by the 9-1-1 Training Institute.
Discuss active dialogue and how this technique can help decrease a caller’s suicide risk. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Building 9-1-1 LifeBridges to Suicide Callers.
Discuss how to ask a caller if they are suicidal. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Building 9-1-1 LifeBridges to Suicide Callers.
Discuss the components of strategic active listening and how this technique can be used with suicidal callers. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Building 9-1-1 LifeBridges to Suicide Callers.
Discuss the benefits of building alliances with suicidal callers. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Building 9-1-1 LifeBridges to Suicide Callers.
Explain the technique of wondering compassionately, which can prevent inaccurate assumptions. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Building 9-1-1 LifeBridges to Suicide Callers.
Discuss statistics of suicide in the United States and how the telecommunicator can use this information to recognize the signs of suicidal callers. For more instruction on this topic, view the course Building 9-1-1 LifeBridges to Suicide Callers.
Discuss the importance of a hiring plan, application process, and determining who is best suited to be a telecommunicator.
Review best practices on how to properly address work performance issues with employees for the best outcome. See the Counseling and Discipline for the Telecommunications Center course for more details.
Discuss the importance of knowing your policies and procedures and making certain your employees know what is expected of them in order to succeed in their careers. For more information, see the Counseling and Discipline for the Telecommunications Center course.
This video discusses the unique components of receiving and dispatching EMS related calls.
This video discusses the unique components of receiving and dispatching fire department related calls.
A continuation of part one, this video reviews the various types of callers you will speak with as an Emergency Communications Specialist.
Review the various types of callers you will speak with as an Emergency Communications Specialist.
Review how to ask questions of children or the elderly in a manner that they understand.
Discuss legal obligations and equipment used to accommodate hearing impaired callers.
Learn what questions to ask to obtain a caller’s location as well as the location the incident occurred.
Discuss what questions to ask and in what order to be able to provide responders with the most accurate and timely information you can provide.
Discuss which calls to evaluate and the benefits of a good call evaluation program.
Discuss how a Quality Assurance Program can assist in improving your performance and how it can recognize exceptional performance.
Explains the purpose of a Quality Improvement Program and defines the elements of a good QI program.
Discuss what Mutual Aid is, how to request it, and define what TERT is.
Discuss ways you can calm a caller who is upset or out-of-control. Calming techniques can assist you in obtaining the info you need to send appropriate help.
This video explains the definition of empathy and the importance of having empathy for those calling 911 for assistance.
Discuss basic etiquette while call taking, including focusing on your active listening skills.
A continuation of Part 1, this video expounds on the need for professionalism in your voice tone, inflection, and demeanor
Discuss why your tone of voice is so important in calming callers and obtaining vital information
Define and discuss the C.A.R.E. Principle in delivering the best customer service possible.
This video talks about who the customer is, and how good customer service benefits a communications center.
Review the causes of radio failure, including human error, technology failure, and nature issues.
A continuation of Part 1, this video focuses on frequency in radio technology.
Discuss what spectrum is in radio technology.
Discuss the differences between felonies, misdemeanors, and other violations.
Discuss the Freedom of Information Act and how it applies to Emergency Communications Specialists
Discuss when and how a telecommunicator should release information to the media.
A continuation of Parts 1, 2, & 3, this segment focuses on obtaining physical descriptions and weapon related information for call takers.
Part 2 of discussing the information a call taker should obtain and discuss NENA Standards for 911 call processing.
This video covers the basics of prioritization, general radio demeanor, management of radio channels, and proper radio responses for dispatchers.
This video covers the need to identify and process incoming calls based on call categorization and priority.
A continuation of Part 1, this video focuses on speaking with intellectually challenged callers and using “person-first language”.
This video covers the challenges faced when taking a 911 call from someone with a disability or other special needs.
A continuation of Parts 1 & 2, this segment focuses on obtaining physical descriptions and weapon related information for call takers.
This video is a continuation of Part 1, discussing how to obtain vehicle descriptions and direction of travel from a 911 caller.
Discuss how you can control the conversation and obtain pertinent information and descriptions from a 911 caller.
Discuss the information a call taker should obtain and discuss NENA Standards for 911 call processing.
Learn how a case review can identify any shortcomings in your performance and use the review to improve the quality of your work.
Discuss the four levels of service in a PSAP, and how to respond in the event of a technology failure.
Talk about the role of a Tactical Dispatcher and Emergency Operations Center during a NIMS event.
Discuss what NIMS is and how it applies to you as an Emergency Communications Specialist
Discuss techniques you can use to help calm callers who may be angry, frightened, injured, or in other emotional states that make them either uncooperative or unable to listen to you.
Learn what constitutes “active listening”, the three basic components, and how it can assist you in performing your duties and assisting callers.
This video will assist you in learning each aspect of the Communication Cycle, understanding the value of non-verbal communications, and help hone your listening skills.
Review what technologies are available to a 911 Center to disseminate emergency or time sensitive information.
Talk about how technology has dramatically changed for 911, through Smart Homes and other connected devices.
Discuss how ECS’s can discover the caller’s location on a wireless phone, both from asking questions and the use of available technology.
Discuss helpful tips on how to testify in court if you are subpoenaed.
Talk about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the importance of record retention for telecommunication centers.
Discuss the steps and importance of a Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
A continuation of Part 1, this video describes exercises to help you look for the positive things in life.
Discuss how to be happy without making it a condition of a goal. This will improve your job performance, brain health, memory, and improves your physical health.
Discuss the importance of getting enough sleep and suggestions on how to help you sleep while dealing with job stress and shift work.
This video wraps up the previous videos discussing challenges for 911 personnel during Covid-19.
Discuss the scheduling, educational, and psychological effects of having school-aged children during Covid-19.
Discusses how to best help elderly loved ones in assisted living facilities during Covid-19.
Discusses the physical and psychological effects of recovering from Covid-19.
Discusses managing the death of a loved one during Covid-19.
Defines the stressors you may experience during Covid-19.
Introduction to fresh insights and tools for 911 professional during Covid-19.
Discuss the comprehensive child recovery strategy and dispatch's role and training in regard to Amber Alerts.
Define an active violence event and discuss emergency practices when an active violence event is occurring at your PSAP.
Define an active violence event and discuss the best practices to implement when handling calls related to the active violence event.
Define servant leadership and the qualities of being a servant leader in your 9-1-1 center.
Differentiate between corrective actions and disciplinary measures, and discuss forms of corrective actions to improve specific employee behaviors
Integrate the five universal truths into 9-1-1 calls, and discuss ways to handle difficult calls, including calls that are verbally abusive.
Define servant leadership, servant values, and the qualities of being an effective leader in the PSAP
Discuss different ways to handle calls involving autism.