The best way correction officers can keep their community safe is by reducing risk in the people committed to your care of supervision. In this course, Amy Reynolds will discuss what risk is, what works to address risk, and how to classify risk factors.
A correctional officer is able to gather a lot of information inside their facility that can help prevent fights, assaults, the smuggling of drugs, and crimes being committed outside. Jail intelligence is the biggest thing a correctional officer can do to ensure staff are protected, inmates are protected, and that liability is mitigated. In this course, David Schilling will discuss the purpose of jail intelligence, how to manage informants and sources, and the importance of collaboration with external law enforcement agencies and partners.
In jails and prisons, a small crisis such as a fight could grow quickly into a larger crisis. Understanding the different stages of a crisis is vital to help deal with the crisis and bring the detention facility back to safe, normal operation. In this course, Mike Cantrell will discuss the stages of a prison crisis, tactical decision-making, and leadership during crisis.
In jails and prisons, a small crisis such as a fight could grow quickly into a larger crisis. Identifying anomalies in baseline behavior and having a willingness to act will help officers recognize and deal with crisis before they grow. In this course, Mike Cantrell will discuss how to determine and maintain physical security of prisons and the importance of recognizing anomalies in the prison.
In this course, Bob Greenwood will discuss how to maintain prison and personal safety through cell, common areas, and body shakedowns and how tocontrol the amount of contraband that is entered into your correctional facility.
Correctional officers are an extended branch of the criminal justice system and face the same challenges as law enforcement officers on the street. One of those challenges is protecting the crime scene. In this course, Gary York will discuss what actions to take when you come upon a crime scene and what to do after you secure a crime scene.
In this course, Gary York will discuss how to recognize and combat inmate manipulation tactics, including the phases of inmate manipulation and what to do if you find yourself in one of these phases, how to deal with tactics inmates will use to distract, deceive, or lure correctional officers, and common mistakes made by officers and civilians.
This course covers the proper administrative procedures to follow when selecting a prisoner for segregation. The appropriate paperwork, prisoner handling, and humane treatment of inmates is discussed in detail. Although tailored to a prison setting, many of the procedures can also apply to jails and holding cells in police stations.
This course educates correctional officers on ethics, values, and principles. It details the types of failures that can befall officers who lack a strong belief system. The goal of the course is to help officers recognize issues that can lead to dismissal, criminal charges, and even bodily harm from improper character and behavior within a facility.
This course provides a basic understanding of the Prison Rape Elimination Act. It also discusses your duties as a first responder, how the coordinated response works, and what you can expect in the investigation process of an alleged sexual abuse. The duties of the first responder are one of the critical components to protect the alleged victim from further abuse and provide a safe and secure environment.
This course provides a basic understanding of the Prison Rape Elimination Act and its core concepts. PREA was implemented to prevent sexual abuse and sexual harassment in confinement.
The primary objective of this course is to provide instruction in surveillance of inmates, staff, and visitors in all areas of the institution. This is to ensure that institution resources are managed reasonably and to establish a safe and healthful environment that is free of dangerous weapons and other contraband or clutter that create fire or other hazards.
This course will provide a basic understanding of how you can effectively manage and communicate with LGBTI, transgender, and intersex inmates within your facility. This course will also provide the basic principles and standards for managing LGBTI, transgender, and intersex inmates.