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Who Moved My Headset?


1 Hour

About the Course

After reading the best-selling book, “Who Moved My Cheese?” Showalter &

Company thought, why are we just reacting to inevitable changes when we

can anticipate and plan for them, so we can be proactive? Considering the

ever-changing environment of 9-1-1, we all need to rely on our ability to

adapt to these new challenges by empowering and emboldening our

employees to not only accept change but to thrive in our new world of 9-1-1.

This course seeks to blend successful private business practices into public

safety communications. We are dedicated to empowering all 9-1-1

professionals to move their own cheese.

Your Instructor

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Doug Showalter

Doug Showalter retired after a 30-year distinguished career with the California Highway Patrol. During his tenure he was chosen to supervise a complete restructuring of the statewide CHP Communications Training Academy, including revisions to several departmental manuals. His career was highlighted with countless awards and commendations. Over the past 17 years he's established a reputation as a well-respected speaker.

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