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Telecommunicator CPR (TCPR)


3 Hours

About the Course

Every year in the U.S., there are an estimated 250,000 cases of out-of-hospital cardiac

arrest. The average survival rate is 10%. This course provides a sample Telecommunicator CPR protocol based on the CPR LifeLinks initiative created by the

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This course explains the importance of

implementing a T-CPR protocol in the PSAP, teaches the telecommunicator how to

recognize the symptoms of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, provides a sample protocol

of T-CPR instructions, and explains how to overcome barriers on OHCA calls.

Your Instructor

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Jamison Peevyhouse

Jamison Peevyhouse is a Training Coordinator for the Tennessee Emergency Communications Board. His career began in 1998 as a telecommunicator in a medium-sized 9-1-1 Center. Jamison has served as a telecommunicator, supervisor, trainer, and director. In addition to 9-1-1, he also has been a long-time field response unit with Emergency Management and Search and Rescue.

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