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Survive and Thrive: Core Stress Resilience - A Primer


1 Hour

About the Course

This course is an abbreviated edition of the 9-1-1 Training Institute’s five-hour

specialized training on recognizing and managing the stress that comes with being a

telecommunicator, including having a resilient mindset and techniques to deal with

stressors while on the job and in your personal life.

Your Instructor

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James W. Marshall, M.A.

Jim Marshall has been a licensed mental health professional in Michigan for over 30
years, specializing in the treatment of traumatic stress and relationships until 2013.
He is now fully devoted to supporting the resilience and performance of 9-1-1
telecommunicators and EMS professionals. Jim founded and directs the 911
Training Institute, an organization dedicated to this mission since 2010. His
innovative courses, conference presentations, resources, and published works
equip 9-1-1 telecommunicators and their PSAP leaders to achieve optimal health,
performance, and morale as people and organizations. He is co-editor of The
Resilient 9-1-1 Professional: A Comprehensive Guide to Surviving & Thriving
Together in the 9-1-1- Center (Amazon). As founding chair of the 9-1-1 Wellness
Foundation (2011-2017), he led advocacy efforts to safeguard the well-being and
quality of life for 9-1-1 professionals. Jim also served as co-chair of the NENA
Working Group that produced the current NENA Standard on Acute/Traumatic and
Chronic Stress. For more information visit

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