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Organizational Interventions for Mental and Physical Health Issues


1 Hour

About the Course

There has always been a long-standing focus on what individuals can do to enhance their health and wellness; however, any gains that an individual might make in their individual intervention will be less impactful and less long-lasting if their PSAP is suffering. In this course, Dr. Michelle Lilly with discuss the current challenges that affect employee health and wellness in PSAPs, organizational level interventions that can be implemented to enhance health and wellness in employees, and ways to engage mental health practitioners to work with PSAPs who offer gold standard treatments.

Your Instructor

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Michelle Lilly

Dr. Michelle Lilly has studied the physical and mental health of public safety professionals over the past decade. She is among the first to publish data on the mental and physical health of 9-1-1 professionals and has worked on research projects with retired law enforcement. She is trained in evidence-based interventions for stress and mental health conditions and has experience in delivering training and intervention at the individual and group level. She has received state funding to support the development and distribution of her Saving Blue Lives training on PTSD, suicide, peer support, and resilience.

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