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1 Hour

About the Course

No matter what position we hold, we all report to someone and have directives we must follow. The success of effective organizations and great systems do not solely depend on leadership. They depend on the ability of the masses to follow through and carry out the leader’s initiatives. It’s time we realize that the culture and well-being of our Emergency Communication Centers would benefit immensely from incorporating a “focus on following” to our professional development offerings. This course is for everyone who works within a chain of command and is interested in sustaining mission-driven teams.

Your Instructor

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Erica May

Erica May, MPA, ENP is a supervisor at the Memphis Police Emergency Communications Bureau. In addition to public safety communications, she also has experience in corporate planning, logistics and public relations. Erica is the creator of the "3P"� Work Ethic: Present, Professional and Productive, and is passionate about ambassadorship, followership and mentoring as avenues to spread positivity around the 9-1-1 center. She is a graduate of The University of Memphis and Clark Atlanta University.

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