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Crisis Leadership


2 Hours

About the Course

This course will provide insight into how to prepare for a crisis as a first-line supervisor before one occurs, causing the decision-making process to be more efficient when one does occur. Considerations for a first-line supervisor when overseeing a crisis will also be addressed, including how to maintain the trust of personnel as decisions are made. Additionally, how to assess the decisionmaking process and the decisions made after the crisis is resolved will be discussed.

Your Instructor

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Tom Leasor

Professional Profile:
• Executive Director at a progressive law enforcement training institution
• 32 Years Law Enforcement Experience with extensive supervisory and
administrative experience
• 20 Years as an Administrator and Supervisor exemplifying progressive
administrative tasks and modern law enforcement practices as a police
officer and the Executive Director of a police academy
• Current Adjunct Professor for the Graduate and Undergraduate Program of
Lindenwood University teaching; serve on the Criminal Justice Advisory
Board; Curriculum Advisor/Writer
Professional Accomplishments/Responsibilities
• Executive Director – January 2015
o Oversee all planning, budgeting, and coordination of the Eastern
Missouri Police Academy, exercising strategic leadership to foster
relationships with law enforcement agencies across the St. Louis
o Update Executive Board of Directors on all business relating to the
▪ Implemented budget plan that transitioned the Academy to
being profitable
▪ Identified and prioritized training equipment and technology
o Administrator over full-time staff and approximately 80 instructors
o Insure the proper training, in accordance with POST criteria, of 4 basic
training classes each year
▪ Guided and participated in rewrite of 1,000 hour curriculum
insuring best practices of policing were implemented with
continual updates and oversight
▪ Implemented patrol rifle training and Crisis Intervention
Training, making the Academy the first in Missouri with such
o Work with staff to develop and schedule continued education training
for current law enforcement officers from the region, across the state
and country
▪ Created the Police Leadership & Command Preparatory
Academy, wrote and taught parts of the curriculum,
administered the seven week program
▪ Wrote curriculum for and teach portions of First Line
Supervision course
▪ Wrote curriculum for and teach Instructor Development course
o Administer the training and licensing of nearly 1,000 security officers
▪ Worked with St. Charles County attorney to change ordinances
to reflect best practices for security officers including the
implementation of Tasers and semi-automatic firearms
o Oversaw the build out and relocation of the Eastern Missouri Police
Academy to a standalone, state of the art facility 2018/2019
• Promoted to Lieutenant – June 2013
o Administrator of Road Patrol Division
▪ Supervised 60 personnel including 6 sergeants, 5 corporals, 28
patrol deputies, 16 reserve deputies, and a clerk
▪ Administrator over SWAT, Traffic Safety/DWI Unit, Public
Relations/D.A.R.E. personnel
▪ Utilized strategic leadership skills over a division that took over
25,000 calls for service each year, covering approximately 930
square miles, serving a population over 100,000
▪ Periodically patrolled with personnel as a deliberate means of
leadership and motivation besides responding at all hours to
give guidance for critical incidents
o Grant administrator
o Assisted in budget planning/implementation, identifying priorities for
budget consideration in relation to Road Patrol Division and
specialized units
o Provided media interviews with all news sources on a regular basis
o Identified problematic circumstances and guided personnel and
community for preplanning of contingency resolutions
o Investigated/resolved citizen complaints on personnel
o Created and updated multiple policies and procedures ensuring best
practices were implemented
o Awarded Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Supervisor of the Year in
• Promoted to Sergeant - December 2003
o Supervised a corporal and seven squad personnel during such critical
incidents as: homicides, robberies, barricaded subjects, fatality
crashes, meth labs, multi-fatality airplane crash, and a high-profile
kidnapping case
▪ Administered several critical incidents successfully where as
many as 100 officers and twenty agencies were utilized for
o Supervised the Traffic Safety/DWI Unit and Public Relations/D.A.R.E.
personnel, along with overseeing the purchase, installation, and
maintenance of in-car cameras/computers, body cameras, and other
patrol related equipment
▪ Assisted the Franklin County Commission in the development
of County ordinances in relation to traffic enforcement
▪ Assisted in the development of the Franklin County Municipal
o Wrote, administered, scheduled, and supervised operations in relation
to traffic enforcement
▪ Traffic Safety/DWI Unit established by a grant funding 3
additional personnel
▪ Scheduled, budgeted, and supervised up to 50 personnel for
sobriety checkpoints, youth alcohol saturations, and alcohol
compliance checks
▪ Awarded approximately $3.5 million in overtime funding and
equipment over 6 years
▪ Distributed press releases, provide media interviews,
developed social media page, and updating web page
o Researched, reported, recommended, and managed concepts and
resolutions to law enforcement related matters including policies,
procedures, equipment and equipment specification development and
o Administered selection process of new personnel, evaluated and
disciplined current personnel, along with the development of
personnel to be promoted, participating with promotion process
o Supervised crisis negotiator team after developing response
procedures and team selection
o Awarded Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Supervisor of the Year in
• Promoted to Corporal - April 2000
o Selected as SWAT Commander in 2002, supervising the training of
SWAT members and successful service of high risk search warrants,
apprehension of high risk criminals, and seizure of numerous
methamphetamine laboratories
o Awarded Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Deputy of the Year in 2002 &
o Awarded Missouri Deputy Sheriff’s Association Deputy of the Year in
• Deputy Sheriff – February 1997
o Selected as Patrol Deputy
o Assisted in the development of the Public Relations Division based on
prior experience
o Assigned to SWAT in 1998 as Crisis Negotiator and transitioned to
Entry Team in 1999

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