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Communication and Intrinsic Bias


1 Hour

About the Course

The process of communication is very important to us as law enforcement officers. What we say is important, but how we say it is more important. E-based communication is devoid of emotion and there is no room for implied meaning. Written words stand alone, unless you use emojis. It is through the use of body language, tone, and expression that communication comes to life. Awareness of non-verbal communication (our own and others) will require a little work that will pay large dividends down the road. We will also be looking at intrinsic bias—how bias influences our lives, how to develop strategies to be aware of our hidden bias and a framework for us to apply in not only our professional but personal life to identify when negative bias may be providing influence. We will look at what intrinsic bias is (both the positive and negative side of it), how it influences the decision-making process, and how EQ (specifically empathy) helps us identify our bias and gain an understanding of those we work with and serve.

Your Instructor

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Thomas Dworak

Thomas Dworak is a retired Sergeant (31 years) from a suburban Chicago police department where he was the Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator and the Lead Defensive Tactics/Use of Force Instructor. As a consultant for the Virtus Group, he developed and facilitates The Adaptive FTO program. Thom's knowledge of experiential learning, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, creative problem solving and decision making shaped The Adaptive FTO into a program for the changing training environment Field Training Officers and their trainees find themselves in daily. Thom facilitates training throughout the country in Field Training, Instructor Development, Leadership, Supervisory Skills, Use of Force, Defensive Tactics and is also a core instructor for Below 100. He holds the position of adjunct faculty at the Suburban Law Enforcement Academy at the College of Du Page providing instruction to recruits in defensive tactics and scenario-based training. A member of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA), Thom is the Instructor Development Section Editor of the ILEETA Journal.

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