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9-1-1 Cape Building

The 9-1-1 professional is a hero, and heroes wear capes. The 9-1-1 cape helps protect you from tough calls, helps…

1 Hour

9-1-1 Public Education

In this course, Jodi Springer will be discussing her experience in creating a public education program. She will discuss how…

1 Hour

9-8-8 Basics

9-8-8 will be a big part of our crisis continuum in the future by providing the right resource when police,…

1 Hour

AMBER and Silver Alerts for Telecommunicators

This course will examine the national and state efforts in developing and implementing protection strategies relating to children and seniors.…

2 Hours

Active Listening Skills

In this course, JC Ferguson will discuss how to listen empathically and critically, how to feel what someone else if…

1 Hour

Active Threat Calls and the Fire Dispatcher

This course discusses active threat response for fire communications. In this one-hour session, Tracy Ertl discusses topics such as the…

1 Hour

Applying Emotional Intelligence to Better Communication

Emotional intelligence is vital for building trust and connections, which leads to effective and clear communication. In this course, Carl…

1 Hour

Autism Awareness for 9-1-1 Telecommunicators

This course will provide an understanding of the impact and challenges of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Emergency on telecommunicators,…

1 Hour

Be Prepared

In this course, Leslie Whitham, ENP will discuss how to be prepared in your communications center before the phone even…

1 Hour

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy is a large structure that shows the progression from one level of learning to another, and just having…

1 Hour

Building 9-1-1 Lifebridges to Suicide Callers: An Introduction

Most 9-1-1 professionals do their best to manage calls with those struggling with suicide. However, traditionally, these very first responders…

2 Hours

Building Trust on Both Sides of the Console

This one-hour course focuses on how consideration, communication, and consistency can help build trust between dispatchers and field responders.

1 Hour

Call Classification for Telecommunicators

Designed primarily for new telecommunicators, this course will review some of the common call classifications for law, fire, and EMS.…

1 Hour

Career Development Programs for Employee Retention

In this course, Retired Chief Tim Christol will discuss how to create and execute a career development plan. This course…

1 Hour

Creating Effective Training Programs: A Discussion

This course is a recording of Creating Effective Training Programs filmed at NENA’s 2022 Conference Expo in Louisville, KY. Rob…

1 Hour

DISC Assessment: Building Connections

This course discusses how to better understand yourself and others by using the DISC personality assessment. In this one-hour session,…

1 Hour

De-escalation for Telecommunicators

Verbal Defense & Influence is a tactical communication program based on the groundbreaking work of Dr. George Thompson. Depending on…

1 Hour

Difficult Conversations

Any time you bring a diverse group of people together into a work environment that is at times both emotionally…

1 Hour

Dispatching Wildfires: Risks with Climate Change

Climate change has increased the risk for wildland fires around the world. There is an ever-increasing need for telecommunicators to…

1 Hour

Diversity Intelligence in 9-1-1

In today’s diverse environment, it is vital to know how to navigate and embrace diversity to create a safe and…

1 Hour

EMD: Back to Basics

In this one-hour course, Tracy Eldridge discusses the basics of emergency medical dispatch, including the responsibilities of EMD, legal and…

1 Hour

Effective Communication for Telecommunicators

From the first line to senior staff, law enforcement officers use communication skills to direct, inform, and persuade others to…

2 Hours

Ensuring MLTS Compliance in Public Safety: A Focus on Kari's Law and the RAY BAUM's Act

In this course, the student will learn what MLTS is as well as best practices for handling MLTS (Multi Line…

1 Hour

Ethical Leadership for Telecommunicators

This course provides telecommunicators with a pragmatic understanding, reflection, and discussion of ethical issues and dilemmas in the workplace. Participants…

2 Hours

Fire Dispatching for High Rise Buildings

This course discusses dispatching for fires in high-rise buildings. In this onehour session, Tracy Ertl discusses statistics concerning high-rise fires,…

1 Hour


No matter what position we hold, we all report to someone and have directives we must follow. The success of…

1 Hour

Foundations of Emergency Mental Health Dispatching – An Introduction

This course is a condensed version of the five-hour specialized training course Foundations of Emergency Mental Health Dispatching. It will…

1 Hour

Keep it Moving at the Console

Yoga is often viewed as intricate movements only for the flexible, but this is not accurate. Yoga and breath work…

1 Hour

Moral Injury

Moral injury is a recent phenomenon in the clinical psychology literature, but from preliminary evidence, we know that first responders…

1 Hour

Organizational Interventions for Mental and Physical Health Issues

There has always been a long-standing focus on what individuals can do to enhance their health and wellness; however, any…

1 Hour

PTSD Basics

There is a lot of misinformation about PTSD, the symptoms of it, the prevalence rate, and it is vital for…

1 Hour

Purpose Driven Performance

Having a sense of purpose as a telecommunicator will ignite passion and fuel

your performance. Your purpose is a living,…

1 Hour

Quality Assurance and Improvement in the PSAP

This course is a one-hour webinar-style course providing an overview of what PSAPs shouldmknow when considering implementing a Quality Assurance…

1 Hour

Quality Assurance: Improving Quality in the Communication Center

In this course, Jennifer Schwendimann will explain what a quality assurance

and quality improvement program is, why it is important,…

1 Hour

Radio Communications

It is vital for telecommunicators to have a basic understanding of how radio

communications work and the limitations and pitfalls…

1 Hour

Restorative Movement for the Resilient First Responder

Yoga is often viewed as intricate movements only for the flexible, but this is not

accurate. Yoga and breath work…

1 Hour

Say This, Not That

In this course, Dawn Shumway discuss some tools help foster effective

communication with your caller, human responses and why what…

1 Hour

Sick Building, Sick You

Sick Building Syndrome is a situation in which occupants of a building experience

acute health effects that seem to be…

1 Hour

Survive and Thrive: Core Stress Resilience - A Primer

This course is an abbreviated edition of the 9-1-1 Training Institute’s five-hour

specialized training on recognizing and managing the stress…

1 Hour

Telecommunicator CPR (TCPR)

Every year in the U.S., there are an estimated 250,000 cases of out-of-hospital cardiac

arrest. The average survival rate is…

3 Hours

Telecommunicator CPR Refresher

This is a refresher course of the T-CPR course that focuses on the importance of

implementing a T-CPR protocol in…

2 Hours

The Power of Appreciation: Motivating Employees

In the world of positive psychology, appreciation is directly connected with

improved mental health, which means happier employees. In this…

1 Hour

The Power of Peer Support - A Primer

This course is a condensed primer of the specialized five-hour training The Power

of Peer Support. Even the best and…

1 Hour

The Resilience Mindset

Telecommunicators face many challenges in PSAPs that they have no control

over, which can cause an immense amount of stress.…

1 Hour

Training for Success

In this course, Doug Showalter will talk about how to train for success by

evaluating your agency’s training program, creating…

1 Hour

Understanding People with Autism for 9-1-1

This course will explore some best practices for interacting with callers who

have Autism Spectrum Disorder. The goal of the…

2 Hours

Understanding Stress for the Telecommunicator

Telecommunicators within the 9-1-1 industry endure severe and repetitive stressors throughout

their career. In order to combat the short and…

1 Hour

Understanding the Mission

In this course, Leslie Whitham, ENP, will discuss the value and importance of

understanding the mission of your PSAP. She…

1 Hour

Utilizing Peer Support to Improve PSAPs

The ultimate goal of peer support is to enhance well-being of agencies and

their telecommunicators. This course covers the basics…

1 Hour

Video to 9-1-1

In this course, Sondra Wesley will explain what video to 9-1-1 is, identify

elements agencies should consider when implementing video…

1 Hour

Well Prepared Fresh and Healthy Meals

Most first responders admit to struggling with nutrition and struggling with

health concerns. This is often due to the long-term…

2 Hours

Wellness and Resiliency in 9-1-1

Hiring the right fit and preparing those employees for a life long journey in mental and physical

wellness in this…

2 Hours

Who Moved My Headset?

After reading the best-selling book, “Who Moved My Cheese?” Showalter &

Company thought, why are we just reacting to inevitable…

1 Hour

Women in Leadership

This course explores leadership styles, our ideas about leadership and gender, and

the female-driven experience. This is not just a…

1 Hour

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