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IADLEST Approved Courses

Basic Interview Techniques: Effective Information Gathering

In this course, Victor Lauria will be discussing basic interview techniques, focusing on how to…

1 Hour

Collecting and Preserving Electronic Evidence

Digital evidence is more prevalent than DNA and fingerprints in most cases nowadays, and they…

1 Hour

Emotional Intelligence and Duty to Intervene

This course will discuss the importance of emotional intelligence in staying calm in the field…

1 Hour


In the law enforcement profession, an ethical mishap at one agency can impact agencies around…

1 Hour

Implicit Bias: Recognition, Reduction, and Prevention

Everyone has implicit biases. Unfortunately, implicit biases can prevent officers from interacting effectively with people…

2 Hours

Keep it Moving at the Console

Yoga is often viewed as intricate movements only for the flexible, but this is not…

1 Hour

Moral Injury

Moral injury is a recent phenomenon in the clinical psychology literature, but from preliminary evidence,…

1 Hour

Organizational Interventions for Mental and Physical Health Issues

There has always been a long-standing focus on what individuals can do to enhance their…

1 Hour

PTSD Basics

There is a lot of misinformation about PTSD, the symptoms of it, the prevalence rate,…

1 Hour

Physical and Mental Wellness Coping Strategies

In this course, Dr. Mike Pittaro discusses stress, work-life balance, and negative coping strategies and…

1 Hour

Report Writing

In this course, Michael Warren will talk about effective report writing. During this

presentation, he…

1 Hour

Telecommunicator CPR (TCPR)

Every year in the U.S., there are an estimated 250,000 cases of out-of-hospital cardiac


3 Hours

The Resilience Mindset

Telecommunicators face many challenges in PSAPs that they have no control

over, which can cause…

1 Hour

Training the 21st Century Law Enforcement Professional

Law Enforcement is a noble profession, but it is a profession that continues to


2 Hours

Utilizing Peer Support to Improve PSAPs

The ultimate goal of peer support is to enhance well-being of agencies and

their telecommunicators.…

1 Hour

Well Prepared Fresh and Healthy Meals

Most first responders admit to struggling with nutrition and struggling with

health concerns. This is…

2 Hours

What Does Law Enforcement Training Need to Thrive?

In this course, Sgt. Dan Greene will be talking about the changes law

enforcement training…

3 Hours

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