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School Safety

AMBER and Silver Alert Initiatives

This course will examine the national and state efforts in developing and implementing protection strategies relating to children and seniors.…

2 Hours

Building K-12 Options-Based Response Programs

K-12 facilities experience unique challenges when implementing options-based response programs. These challenges stem from a top-down approach to infrastructure improvement…

2 Hours

K-12 Active Shooter: Mindset to Win

Students will utilize empirical data on School Active Assailant Events over the past 20 years, conducting a detailed threat analysis.…

1 Hour

Role of the SRO

This class of instruction is designed to give students the tools to strengthen the

relationships between law enforcement, school administrators,…

2 Hours

SRO and 4th Amendment

This course is designed for law enforcement officers working in a school environment.

The course covers how the Fourth Amendment…

1 Hour

School Vulnerability Assessment

This course will provide information regarding distinguishing between security versus crisis and emphasizing the importance of a safety plan initiative.…

3 Hours

The Root of Violence Part I: Lessons from Jonesboro on School and Gang Violence

This course examines school massacres, particularly common denominators and preventative actions that can be taken by school administrators and law…

2 Hours

The Root of Violence Part II: The External Threat and Predicting Terrorist Attacks

This course provides in-depth training on predicting terrorist attacks and effective

police response to such attacks. Colonel Grossman believes “the…

1 Hour

The Root of Violence Part III: School Violence Prevention and Management Tactics

This course explores the impact of the video game industry on school violence along with how parents can contribute to…

2 Hours

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